Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development consisted of 27 principles intended to guide future sustainable development around the world.

The Rio Declaration proclaims 27 principles. It includes formulations of the precautionary principle (principle 15) and of the polluter pays principle (principle 16).
1. The role of humans.
2. State sovereignty
3. The Right to development
4. Environmental Protection in the Development Process
5. Eradication of Poverty
6. Priority for the Least Developed
7. State Cooperation to Protect Ecosystem
8. Reduction of Unsustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption
9. Capacity Building for Sustainable Development
10. Public participation
11. National Environmental Legislation
12. Supportive and Open International Economic System
13. Compensation for Victims of Pollution and other Environmental Damage
14. State Cooperation to Prevent environmental dumping
15. Precautionary principle
16. Internalization of Environmental Costs
17. Environmental Impact Assessments
18. Notification of Natural Disaster
19. Prior and Timely Notification
20. Women have a Vital Role
21. Youth Mobilization
22. Indigenous Peoples have a Vital Role
23. People under Oppression
24. Warfare
25. Peace, Development and Environmental Protection
26. Resolution of Environmental Disputes
27. Cooperation between State and People
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