World Economic Forum (WEF)
When was World Economic Forum (WEF) established ?
World economic forum was established in 1971 , as a not for profit foundation.
Where is Head quarters of World economic forum located ?
HQ of World economic forum is located in Geneva (Switzerland).
Why World economic forum ?
The forum provides a platform for the CEO's of the largest companies , heads of state of countries , to meet each other and discuss business through bilateral meetings.
Recent developments related to World economic forum :
On January 2020 World Economic Forum (WEP) celebrated its 50th Anniversary.
Theme for 2020 was - 'Stakeholders for a cohesive and sustainable world.'
List of reports published by World economic forum (WEF):-
- Global Competitiveness Report.
- Global Enabling trade Report.
List of Indices published by World economic forum (WEF):-
- Global Gender Gap index.
- Human Capital Index.
- Inclusive development Index.
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